In previous posts, ether was introduced as the fifth fundamental interaction of nature, inspired by the Randall-Sundrum model. In classical description, it’s a force that provides a way for objects to exchange energy or transform energy from one state to another. In terms of general relativity, it’s a consequence of the curvature of a large extra dimension called the etherbrane. Against this backdrop, the etherfield doesn’t merely facilitate interplanetary and interstellar travel, in different ways. It also facilitates what’s called thaumaturgy in the Voidpunk universe: spooky action at a distance, if you will!
While the underlying physics model is the same in each case, the use of thaumaturgy has at least four different flavors in the Voidpunk universe. First, there’s thaumatec. It’s an often finicky and not always reliable technology, but it works. Federation Age thaumatec had different methods and different applications, so beware if you mess around with artifacts from that period. Then, there are capables; humans with an innate capability to use thaumaturgy in diverse and unpredictable ways. Almost all of them are in the service of powerful entrarchies, as capables must be found and trained almost from birth, lest they lose these powers forever. Then, as known from Federation Age sources, there are human exo cults who can wield thaumaturgic powers through unspeakable rites and practices. Finally, there are the exoentities, or gods, and some of their agents, who can wield thaumaturgic powers beyond imagination.
This fusion of science fiction and fantasy tropes was deliberately designed. There’s always been this weird idea that ESP stuff in sf were more “scientific” than magic in fantasy, so that the latter was often looked down upon by the former. Well, as an sf aficionado since I was about eight years old, I’ll let you in on a little secret: ESP isn’t scientific or more scientific than fantasy magic! It’s magic all the way down, only wrapped in flight suits instead of robes.
Yes, Virginia, it’s all make-believe for your enjoyment!